
Power and Powerlessness

Panel discussion at nachtkritik plus / Federal Agency for Civic Education
on March 6, 2023

with Maria Giacaman, Jean Peters, Christiane Mudra
Moderation: Christian Rakow

Conspiracy Ideologies and Anti-Semitism 

Online Panel on "The Key" on November 13, 2021

with Micha Brumlik, Annika Brockschmidt and Niklas Vögeding
Moderation: Christiane Mudra

Lecture at the exhibition FOTODOKS 2021
in Munich   

Christiane Mudra will speak about her research on domestic, sexualized and digital violence against women on June 13, 2021.

Crime scene at Home -
Violence against women

Online panel on "The Holy Bitch Project" on March 05, 2021 

with Christina Clemm, Monika Schröttle and Andreas Schmiedel.
Moderation: Christiane Mudra

Nazi Crimes:
Perpetrators and Judiciary.

Talk on "No Plaintiff - Nazi Lawyers and their Post-War Careers" on July 15, 2019 at the NS Documentation Center Munich.

Christiane Mudra in conversation with Dietrich Kuhlbrodt (1965-1968 prosecutor at the Central Office Ludwigsburg) and Jens Rommel (2015-2020 head of the Central Office Ludwigsburg, federal judge).

NSU, Confidentiality and the Rule of Law.

Panel discussion on "Off the record - the wall of silence" on September 19, 2017 in the Vogtlandhalle Greiz.

with Dorothea Marx, Chairwoman of the Thuringian NSU Investigation Committee and Prof. Hajo Funke, right-wing extremism expert and author of "Staatsaffäre NSU". Moderation: Christiane Mudra

Off the record - Protection of Sources and the Informant (V-Mann) Practice in the NSU Complex

Talk on "Off the record-the wall of silence" at the re:publica 17, Berlin

NSU- the end of the investigation?

Panel discussion on "Off the record-the wall of silence" at the Deutsches Theater Berlin on June 29, 2017.

with MdB Monika Lazar, member of the NSU investigation committee, Prof. Hajo Funke, right-wing extremism expert and author of "Staatsaffäre NSU" and lawyer Yavuz Narin, counsel in the NSU trial. Moderation: Christiane Mudra

NSU, Confidentiality and the Rule of Law

Panel discussion on "Off the record-the wall of silence" on November 5, 2016 at Theater HochX, Munich.

with Dorothea Marx (Chairwoman of the Thuringia Investigative Committee) and Yavuz Narin (counsel in the NSU trial), moderated by Christiane Mudra.

Right-wing Terror, Continuities and the Involvement of the Security Authorities

Panel discussion on "We Were Never Gone - The Blueprint" on July 24, 2015 at i-camp, Munich.

With: Werner Dietrich (lawyer of the injured parties of the Oktoberfest attack), Ulrich Chaussy (author of "Oktoberfest-das Attentat", feature film "Der blinde Fleck"), Prof. Hajo Funke (author of "Staatsaffäre NSU") and lawyer Yavuz Narin, plaintiff representative in the NSU trial). Moderation: Christiane Mudra


steht für journalistische Langzeitrecherche, die sich im Unterschied zum dokumentarischen Theater vor allem auf Originalquellen stützt und unbekannte Fakten aufdeckt.


spielt die Rechercheergebnisse gezielt in unterschiedlichen Formaten wie Performance im Stadtraum, Hörspiel, Podcast, (360°-Live-)Video, Installation, Vortrag, Publikation und digitale Intervention aus.